Monday 11 August 2014

Perspective Part 2

So just like working at a potato factory can give a girl some perspective, so can living in a dastardly backpackers. Here are my top 10 home-related things that I will never take for granted EVER AGAIN. (AKA 10 more first world issues)

1. Sleeping in a double bed
The last time I slept in a single bed or bunk bed for that matter, I was afraid of porcelain dolls and the deep end of the pool. Okay I am still terrified of both but you get the point. Oh the utter amazeballs-ness of a big beautiful queen bed with freshly laundered sheets - free from the stains of the 100 people who used them before me.

2. Sleeping in a room alone (or maybe just 1 more person)
Having to deal with the bodily noises and smells of other people is not ideal. Snoring, turning the light on every 5 minutes, inviting bed fellows to your bunk whilst I am OBVIOUSLY awake and in the middle of a Girls marathon, and making some seriously odious emissions just before bedtime...NOT COOL. Oh the joys of lying alone in bed, reading trashy mags and nibbling on my fourth (okay eighth) piece of chocolate without judgement!  

3. Drinking wine from an actual bottle and in an actual glass
Upon arrival at the backpackers you are allocated a set of mismatched cutlery and crockery. Nothing says class more than drinking goon out of a tea cup with a clown lying provocatively on its side. Take me back to a world where drinks mean a well priced glass of pinot noir in an oversized wine glass. YUM.

4. Having a big kitchen all to myself
Fighting around 20 people over a hob, the microwave etc became a daily nightmare. Having to enact a Braveheart-like battle to actually cook something and trying to carve a small, clean surface amongst the hurricane-like MESS was harrowing. EW EW EW. 

5. Eating food that takes longer than 2 minutes to cook
After working a 15 hour shift I can't say I was always in the mood to cook. Steamed broccoli, 2 minute noodles and a splash of soy sauce pretty much became my staple.

6. Having my own bathroom
Limited to 5 minute showers, waiting in line for one (yes ONE) functioning toilet, fighting for mirror space and fending off face cream and fancy UK converter thieves shall not be missed!

7. Listening to my music
Italian gangster rap in the kitchen, Shaggy in the courtyard, Britney bleeding Spears in the bathroom, Cher in the corridor, German house music at 4am on the way to work. YOUR MUSIC OFFENDS MY EARS.

8. Having my own TV
DAAAAMN the fecking creators of Xbox and FIFA. It was near impossible to pry the male contingent of the backpackers from those bloody consoles. On a positive note my mildly problematic TV addiction has been somewhat curbed.

9. Having privacy
My friend Tanja had the fine idea of a 'People Diet' which is one of the after effects of living in a packed backpackers for several months. It's really just SO much better being able to run to the loo in your underwear in the middle of the night without having to pass 20 goon guzzling youths on the way. 

10. Peace and goddamn quiet
Living with around 60 other people has it's issues. Working different hours and on different days means that there is always someone up for a party. And nothing destroys the soul more than an all night rager happening in the dining room when you are depending on 3, maybe 4, sweet hours of sleep. There also seemed to be a vicious cycle in place where people were always attempting to exact revenge on partiers from the night before...

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